Meet Katie

“Seeing a child make even the smallest step towards a positive future and knowing you are part of a team that has helped that happen are so worthwhile.”

Meet Katie

Service Lead, Lincolnshire

I started my career in children’s residential in 2011 as a relief worker in one of our children’s homes. Over the next few years, as positions became available, I was able to progress through the roles until I became Homes Manager in 2021 and now Service Lead in December 2023.

I have been supported throughout my career in residential by a well-respected team of staff and my managers, who I learnt a great deal from and who I would not be in the position I am in today without. They have shared their wealth of experience and knowledge and pushed me to always work at the higher level. 

Lincolnshire County Council offer a really good CPD programme, which has given me the opportunity to expand on my knowledge and skill base – not only core training, but also more specialist training such as social pedagogy, restorative practice and trauma-informed care. 

Of course, the best part of working within the homes is working with the children; seeing their smiley faces as they return from school or when they come to tell me about something they have achieved and are proud of really gives you a sense of achievement. 

I would highly recommend a career in residential to anyone considering their options as I have found it very rewarding. Seeing a child make even the smallest steps towards a positive future and being a part of the team that has helped achieve that make it so worthwhile.